Ask a Yoga TeacherĀ 

Answers to all your questions on health, fitness and yoga.

Fitness Myths: Fat Burning Zone Feb 12, 2024

Is the Fat Burning Zone the Best Way to Lose Weight?

The wellness industry is full of buzzwords that sound flashy and scientific, but are more often than not designed to sell products and services...

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Are These Types of Poses Wasting Your Time? Feb 11, 2024

Not all poses are created equal

You’re interested in practicing yoga for your health. Maybe you’re recovering or preserving your mobility as you age. Maybe you’re interested in...

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Weight Loss Myths Jan 17, 2024

Losing weight, exercising more and eating healthier are regularly in the top 5 resolutions for the new year. If you are planning on making weight loss a priority and paying more attention to diet...

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Five Tips for Faster Recovery Jan 16, 2024

 Showing up for practice is important. But the key to progress isn’t about how hard you can train, but about how hard you can recover. Whether you are working to lose weight, improve...

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Can Yoga Build Muscle? Dec 21, 2023


It depends

These kinds of questions, can yoga help you do x? Can yoga help you stop y? They are so difficult to answer because yoga is such a broad discipline and we really don’t have...

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Should You Flex the Ankle in Pigeon Pose? Dec 20, 2023

Have yoga teachers misled you?

Has your yoga teacher ever told you that flexing your ankle in pigeon pose will protect your knee? Becoming a yoga teacher we often inherit cues and practices that...

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8 Tips for Stress Free Travel Dec 19, 2023

Traveling at any time can be uncomfortable. Long car rides and interminable layovers can leave you feeling stiff and under-slept. Holidays especially are stressful times to pack your bags and hit...

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Five Keys to Developing Consistency Aug 17, 2023


Five Keys to Developing Consistency

Habits are the building blocks of our lives, shaping our daily routines and influencing our long-term outcomes. Whether you're aiming to break a bad habit...

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Can Yoga Help Me Lose Weight? Jul 24, 2023


Can Yoga Help with Weight Loss

Honestly, I hesitated to touch on this topic since I know it's delicate for many people. But, I hear this question frequently from the people I work with and...

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Can Yoga Make Me Stronger? Jul 24, 2023

Can yoga make you stronger?

Back when I worked at the front desk of a yoga studio, I occasionally had people wander in from the gym across the street. In addition to questions about the schedule...

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What Kind of Yoga Should I Practice? Jul 24, 2023

Spoiled For Choice

There are so many different styles of yoga and there seems to be more diversity and variety every year. With so many choice it can seem impossible to find a style that’s...

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