
Yoga isn't what you do. It's how you do it.



I'm Nick

I'm a health nerd. I explore a variety of wellness disciplines including yoga, massage therapy, personal training and nutrition. I specialize in helping other yoga enthusiasts break free from their dogmatic, repetitive routine. My goal is to help you craft a practice that will bring you a strong, lean, pain-free body and to demonstrate a rational, superstition free approach to spirituality.


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My Story

I began my yoga practice in earnest during university in order to regulate stress and stay active. From the minute I began I was hooked.

For the next ten years I was voracious in my practice and consumption of yoga. The asanas, the philosophy, the history, the scientific, the esoteric. It seemed like yoga was perfect and complete. It was going to give me the lean, shredded body of a ninja, laser like focus and the wisdom of a Jedi. “Practice and all is coming” And I trusted that it all was coming, if I just practiced.

And I practiced a lot. By the time I was 28 I was living at a yoga retreat in Thailand practicing two hours a day. I was a vegan. I woke up at 430am every day. I had sunk my savings into workshops and trainings. I had foregone career opportunities to focus on yoga.  Surely, there wasn’t anything else I could give to this practice. Was this it? 



Being honest with myself, I wasn’t happy with where I was. I was flexible, but I often felt tired and weak. I wasn’t progressing in my asana practice. Meditation had not yielded mystical revelations. I thought my hours of yoga was keeping my body in peak condition, when in reality my cardiovascular endurance and strength were average at best.

One morning I had had enough. Instead of my usual practice I decided to just practice the single transition that had been eluding me for years. Crow pose to handstand… I didn’t get it. But I kept going back and within a week I was able to master something that had been out of reach for years. Breakthrough.

My dogmatic, repetitive practice had been holding me back. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, it was the first step in revolutionizing the way I practiced yoga. I began exploring other disciplines. I reconnected with running. I started rock-climbing. I discovered that I enjoyed weight lifting. I read books on exercise and nutrition science. And even though I had spent less time on the mat, I found a truth. Yoga is not WHAT we practice. Yoga is HOW we practice.

The Method

I learned the hard way that generic, rote sequences with no long-term structure yield generic, poor results no matter how long and hard you practice. My method applies exercise and nutrition science to yoga and approaches nutrition and exercise with a yogic attitude. I believe that specific goals require specific protocols and that yoga happens when we mindfully confront challenges, not with mindless repetition. Yoga is finding peace in the moment and balance within oneself and I reject the idea that practicing requires belief in superstitious nonsense.

Practice and all is coming…you just have to practice the right thing.


Why I Do It

The fitter and healthier you are, the cooler things you can do. The cooler things you can do, the richer and more rewarding your life.

I enjoy a life rich in adventure and attribute my ability to travel the world and climb mountains to being able to stay fit and healthy, mentally and physically. I'm passionate in sharing what has been of such benefit to me with others so that they can enjoy the same freedom to enrich their lives.



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